
FreeBSD: Consult installed ports' package message to see their requirements after installation

At installation time, ports display their pkg message to warn the user of further configuration. If for any reason you missed it (or just want to be sure you've done all the changes required for your system), you can display the messages for all ports:
pkg info -D -x `pkg query %n` | less
Excerpt of the results:

bash requires fdescfs(5) mounted on /dev/fd

If you have not done it yet, please do the following:

        mount -t fdescfs fdesc /dev/fd

To make it permanent, you need the following lines in /etc/fstab:

        fdesc   /dev/fd         fdescfs         rw      0       0

Here's how to see how many ports you have installed:
pkg info | wc -l


IntelliJ Idea live templates: code for singletons

Say you have this class:

public class TerminalTitlebar {
    public void set(String title) {
        System.out.println("\033]0;" + title + "\007");

...and you want to introduce code to change this into a singleton easily.

File -> Settings -> Live Templates -> Click + to create a new entry.

Enter i for abbreviation, "singleton instance" or something similar for description, and the code in the "Template text" field:

private static $CLASS_NAME$ instance;
public static $CLASS_NAME$ getInstance() {
    return instance == null ? instance = new $CLASS_NAME$() : instance;

Now click "Edit Variables", and change the Expression for CLASS_NAME to "className()", press OK

To tell IntelliJ to use the generated snippet in Java code, click "Change" in the "Applicable in" line, and select Java.

Now type the letter i (this was the abbreviation we used earlier) and press TAB and the magic happens:

public class TerminalTitlebar {
    private static TerminalTitlebar instance;

    public static TerminalTitlebar getInstance() {
        return instance == null ? instance = new TerminalTitlebar() : instance;

    public void set(String title) {
        System.out.println("\033]0;" + title + "\007");

Voila, you can use it in any class. Enjoy!